by Lindy Z. Kerr, Esq.

ICMS, the electronic claims management system used by the State Board for filing and claim management, will unveil a new phase called ICMS2 this fall that will extend the system to new users and make it more user-friendly. Currently, ICMS is only available to attorneys. However, ICMS2 will grant access to rehab suppliers, insurance carriers, and third party administrators who are licensed with the State Board. Another welcome change will be the improved user interface that will present EDI transactions filed by TPAs and insurers in a format easier to read and more akin to the old paper forms.

There is also talk that ICMS2 will have in place new safeguards against what has become an all too frequent issue of ICMS rejecting forms filed by TPAs and insurers without providing adequate notice. ICMS will reject any form it considers improper and a filing may be deemed improper for something as simple as not checking a box or filing a form without already having filed a WC-1/FROI. The current ICMS does not send out a notice of rejection response, only a notice that a form has been properly filed. The confirmation email often goes to a general claims address and is one of hundreds. One way ICMS2 could improve this issue is by sending a notice of rejection response. Opening ICMS2 to TPAs and insurers may be another safeguard.