by Jennifer M. Smith, Esq.

Recently, our office has received several inquiries on whether the mileage reimbursement for injured workers has increased to $0.45 or $.50 per mile. The State Board of Workers’ Compensation confirmed that mileage reimbursement for claimants remains at $0.40 per mile. The mileage reimbursement increased from $0.28 per mile to $0.40 per mile effective July 1, 2006, but has remained $0.40 ever since. Multiple attempts have been made by claimants’ attorneys to increase this rate, but when the new Board Rules were issued effective July 1st, no changes were made to mileage rates.

Information regarding mileage reimbursement along with other provisions including maximum reimbursements for TTD and TPD and PPD ratings can be found at the State Board of Workers’ Compensation website at

The information is also available on the website of Ken David & Associates, LLC at